Event Tickets

Sell tickets to your events from our website with the lowest selling fees available.


Skiddle fees are 10% of the face value +25p.


TicketSource fees are 7% of the face value.


Eventbrite fees are 4% of the face value +49p.



Black FX charge £19.99 per event.


How Do We Do It?

We don’t care for fees. We’ve encountered the problem ourselves.
You decide to put on an amazing event, to help the community, to give back and to earn some money in the process. The ticket sellers decide they want in and take an extortionate percentage for every ticket sold!

Hosting your event on our website increases traffic to our site. So we can ensure we’ve got the best possible servers supporting our website, we charge a minor fee to cover costs. That’s it!

Black FX charge £19.99 per event. Final.
Black FX do not charge for non-profit charity events.
We use the best payment processor on the market, who take a mere 1.4% + 20p per transaction (not per ticket).


Complete the form below and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.